


 日本マーケティング学会 ワーキングペーパーVol.11 No.2 
Consumers’ Variety Seeking
A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
西原 彰宏
亜細亜大学 経営学部 准教授
金 雲鎬
日本大学 商学部 教授
太宰 潮
福岡大学 商学部 教授
分類 : 論文
要約 :
The rise of e-commerce has enabled consumers to purchase from a wide range of brands and take advantage of sharing economies and freemiums, allowing them to access a variety of products and services. Choices in selection scenarios have expanded from limited product selection in traditional stores to a variety of product and service choices through digital technology. In response to these changes, understanding consumer variety seeking has become increasingly important for researchers and practitioners involved in consumer behavior and marketing. Despite research on consumer variety seeking being ongoing since the 1980s, and growing academic and practical interest, no study till date has provided a comprehensive overview of it. Therefore, this study aims to systematically organize the variety seeking research to date, understand the current status and theoretical reach of this field, and build a knowledge base for future research. We systematically review 98 peer-reviewed scholarly articles published between 1980 and 2023. The results provide a conceptual model and conceptual framework for variety seeking research. Detailed directives for a future research agenda are developed to encourage and advance the understanding of consumer variety seeking.
キーワード : variety seeking exploratory behavior brand switching systematic literature review optimal stimulation level
ページ数 : 表紙1 + 本文68
ファイルサイズ : 1041KB

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